Recess in North Olmsted, Ohio, runs a 40k event every month.
Jan 25th
Feb 22st
March 22nd
April 19th
May 24th
June 21st
TIME: Dice down at 9 am (doors open at 8:30 am)
COST: $25 pre-registration Per Player ($15 prize pool, $10 store credit)
NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 18 players max and 6 players min. (less than 6 players event will be canceled)
USING NEW RULES: 10th edition GW rules, please familiarize yourself. Current Balance dataslate and Codex will be used.
Restrictions maximum 2000pts. No legends and No Forgeworld models that are on the GameWorkshops restricted list.
Must bring any current Codex, Index, Tactical Mission cards, White Dwarfs or faq's that apply to your armies.
Painting requirements: No paint requirements
List submission in the bcp app due by 9:00 am, September 21st (If you don't know how to submit your list, please contact
Dave DeVito)
Chess clock also will be provided if requested.
*STARTING AT 9AM* Doors open at 8:30am. Please arrive early for registration and packet distribution/explanation. DICE DOWN 9am sharp.
$25 Pr-Registration
This event is limited to participants ONLY
Please note there are no refunds for no-shows or late participants.