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To participate, you will need to purchase our Carnival Map for $5 and tickets 10/$2.50. Most activities will cost one or two tickets; upon completion, you will get a stamp on your map. Collect enough stamps and get to spin our large prize wheel. Some events you can prepare for early:

  • Enter a painted or carved pumpkin (any size) to help decorate the carnival and get a stamp. You can bring your entry on Friday or Saturday, the 25th or 26th.
  • Come in costume.
  • 6 tickets will get you entered in the Quoridor PacMan tournament and get you a stamp.

The event begins Friday evening at 6pm with our kick-off preview event featuring a firebreather. Get a jump on completing your Carnival map and spin the wheel. You will be able to spin the wheel a total of 5 times if you get enough stamps.

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