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40 Days in Daelore is fairly straightforward. MORE encounters…MORE baddies. That said, the artwork for these new Baddies is phenomenal!
These Encounters will add a ton of new stories and choices to both Too Many Bones and Undertow. However, they will be focused on land-based Encounters. In Undertow, for Tyrants that require you to shuffle in a certain amount of water-based Encounters, this Add-on will only contribute new content to the land-based ones. As for Baddies, Krelln and Mechs are not included, the other 3 Types in Undertow will benefit from this Add-on. 40 Days in Daelore will contain Baddies from the original TMB Baddie Types: Goblins, Bogs, Scales, Beasts, Trolls, and Orcs. Three of these types appear in Undertow and therefore, this Add-on will add even more variety to those types in Undertow. We have yet to decide on the final breakdown and assignment of each Baddie, type, and Point level, it will be a good spread. There are a few types that currently do not have a 20 Pt Baddie, those, you can count on.